
Message from Mother
Extend Your Hand, Extend Their Family
“We are what we are because of our circumstances and surroundings”. True, we make our own life, but the direction to our life is determined during the stages when we are dependent and helpless.
Dear friend, I believe that you have been blessed by the Almighty to be in position to read this article and do the needful help to the deserving helpless children.
Most of the beautiful and important things in life viz. parents, brothers and sisters come absolutely free. However, most of us tend to overlook this privilege and blessing that we’ve got. Friends, please consider the case of helpless children who are deprived of these most important things in life, for no sin or fault of theirs, but due to mere circumstances and fate. Spare a thought for these innocent kids, and you can hear your mind telling you something at this point of time.It will be a great help from your part if you could do something to make these innocent kids share the joys you are experiencing… to make them feel they are a part of an extended family.

Smt. Alice Thomas
Director and Founder Trustee
Office Bearers

Deepu Muralidharan
Assistant Director