Donate us

Support Divine Children’s Home with Your Generosity

Divine Children’s Home is facing challenges in meeting daily operational needs due to the lack of a consistent income source. Your support can make a significant difference in sustaining our activities and ensuring the well-being of the children under our care. Every contribution, big or small, helps us continue our mission to provide love, care, and education to these deserving young lives.

How You Can Help

You can contribute in the following ways:

  1. Personal Visit: Visit us personally and make your donation directly to our children’s home.
  2. Cheque or Demand Draft:
    • Cheques should be made payable to Divine Children’s Home, Trivandrum.
    • Demand Drafts should be in favor of Divine Children’s Home, payable at Trivandrum.
Bank Account Details Federal bank Cottonhill Branch Account Number: 14290100075762 IFSC: FDRL0001429

FCRA Account Details
Divine Children’s Home
State Bank of India
New Delhi Main Branch
Account Number : 00000040107463187
IFSC Code: SBIN0000691

Support Our Operational Needs

A breakdown of our monthly operational costs is available for your reference. Committed support toward any major expense category, such as food, education, or maintenance, would be invaluable and help us plan our operations more effectively.

Your generosity will not only support these children but also be remembered in their prayers and blessings. Together, we can create a brighter future for them. Thank you for your kind support!

Bank Account Details Federal bank Cottonhill Branch Account Number: 14290100075762 IFSC: FDRL0001429

FCRA Account Details
Divine Children’s Home
State Bank of India
New Delhi Main Branch
Account Number : 00000040107463187
IFSC Code: SBIN0000691

Donate Materials Online to Support Divine Children’s Home

At Divine Children’s Home (DCH), we welcome kind-hearted individuals and organizations to contribute essential items like clothes, school supplies, and food to help meet the daily needs of our children and sustain our mission of care and empowerment.

You can make a difference by donating materials through both online and offline channels. For online donations, you can purchase items from platforms like Amazon or Flipkart and have them shipped directly to our address. The children at DCH will benefit greatly from these thoughtful contributions, and your support will play a vital role in creating a brighter, more hopeful future for them.

Together, we can ensure that these young lives have everything they need to thrive. Thank you for your generosity!

Shipping Address
The Director (Mrs. Alice Thomas)
Divine Childrens Home
Opposite St.Mary’s School
Aramada P.O. Trivandrum,
Pin: 695032.
What we need.


Pencil Box

Tooth Brush





School Bags

